[schooltool] 2008 SchoolTool Budget excerpt
Tom Hoffman
2007-12-12 18:01:01 UTC
Here is an except from my 2008 budget proposal, which was accepted:

2008 SchoolTool Budget

Tom Hoffman

Basic Roadmap

We're not in striking distance for SchoolTool 1.0 for Ubuntu 8.04. It
doesn't make much sense to make that release in October, so the big
target is SchoolTool 1.0 in Ubuntu 9.04. By "1.0" I mean a
production-ready SIS with good import/setup procedures, documentation,
a set of standard reports, and straightforward demographics,
attendance, gradebook and calendaring. It won't fit in every school
in the world, but it will work for a reasonable subset.

For 8.04, the goal is to have the main components we're currently
testing at individual schools merged into a single, if rough around
the edges release. For 8.10, the goal is SchoolTool 1.0 beta.

Developer Responsibilities

Ignas's primary goal will be core development and assembling out these
releases, in conjunction with Brian Sutherland. He will also continue
to work with Vilnius Lyceum on their test deployment. It is important
to keep this going, but it is not vital that it be aggressively
expanded to the whole school. How quickly this moves depends on
Ignas's time and the school's desires.

Alan Elkner will work primarily with the Science Leadership Academy in
Philadelphia. This is the opportunity we've needed to push the
project over the hump, because I know Alan will give us a full year of
steady, solid work, and I know Chris Lehmann at SLA will push him to
make SchoolTool usable for his school, teachers, students and parents.
Alan will work toward interim benchmarks that he, Chris and I set, as
well as for deploying SchoolTool schoolwide in the fall.
