[schooltool] Translatable websites...
Tom Hoffman
2008-11-06 15:05:04 UTC
Hi all,

We've most of the interactive parts of our web presence to
Launchpad.net, and I've been consolidating all the documentation into
a "book" that we manage via bzr and publish as static html (more on
this in a later email).

So basically, what's left of schooltool.org doesn't need the
complexity of a Plone installation (does anything? ;-). It does give
us facilities for managing translations, but (not surpisingly for
Plone) these seem kind of magical, and I'm afraid to touch anything
lest the whole thing explode, but the translation needs a refresh and

So the question is, does anyone know of a good system for managing a
fairly simple (and attractive) site in multiple languages, that makes
it easy for distributed volunteers to handle the translations?

