[schooltool] Demographics module
2008-05-09 05:24:47 UTC
I have just download the SchoolTool software. Howver, I am not able to
locate the Demograhics module. Could you please let me know, where to
download it froma nd how to install it?


Prarambhika School
Sumit Prakash
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Tom Hoffman
2008-05-09 13:10:26 UTC
Post by Sumit
I have just download the SchoolTool software. Howver, I am not able to
locate the Demograhics module. Could you please let me know, where to
download it froma nd how to install it?
Demographics is part of the core distribution -- so it is already in
there. One bug is that you only really see it by navigating to a
person view (Manage > Persons) and then selecting the "Edit" action.
The data isn't incorporated into the "View" view yet.

The biggest issue in the medium term for demographics is coming up
with a reasonable default schema that makes sense internationally.
Currently, we're sticking with something simple:

First name *
Last name *
Birth date

This will become more complex in the future; but hopefully not TOO complex.

In the long run, the challenge is making this customizable in a sane
and controlled fashion.

Tom Hoffman
2008-05-09 13:54:13 UTC
I want to lobby for "Preferred name" as well. I can't tell you how many
students I have whose name is "Juan", but who want to be called "Paco" (or
something like that). It is really important for SchoolTool to allow
teachers to store this information.
Don't worry Jeff. Our resistance to adding to the schema right now is
just due to not wanting to start adding things one at a time at an ad
hoc basis.

We'll revisit the whole issue in detail this summer.

