[schooltool] Basic Question
DI Peter Burgstaller
2007-06-26 20:21:54 UTC
Hello Everybody,

just found this great looking software and have installed the SVN
I could figure most of the things out but have 3 open issues:
1) How do I do reports?
2) How do I grade for mid-term, end of trimester
3) How do I specify what is an A, B, etc.

Thanks for your help.
- - Cheers, Peter
Tom Hoffman
2007-06-28 04:41:52 UTC
On 6/26/07, DI Peter Burgstaller <***@acm.org> wrote:
Hi Peter,

These are good questions. Right now, the answers reflect the incomplete
state of our codebase. All these things will be possible by the fall.

just found this great looking software and have installed the SVN
Post by DI Peter Burgstaller
1) How do I do reports?
Right now, these have to be generated as pdf's by writing some Python code
using ReportLab or writing HTML views using Zope Page Templates. We're
working on specific reports for our testing schools now, and will generate
some generic ones and documentation for setting up custom ones this fall and

2) How do I grade for mid-term, end of trimester

The biggest project for this summer is finishing the business logic around
terms, so this doesn't really work yet in the trunk.

3) How do I specify what is an A, B, etc.

You can't, yet.

Coming soon...

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DI Peter Burgstaller
2007-07-05 22:14:48 UTC
Hey Tom,

thanks for the info. It looks exciting .. let me know if I can lend a
hand in something.
Programming, testing, documentation, howto .. whatever.

We are using a commercial SIS here at the American School and really
would like to move on to something new.

schooltool looks the best so far.

Keep me posted, Peter
Post by Tom Hoffman
Hi Peter,
These are good questions. Right now, the answers reflect the
incomplete state of our codebase. All these things will be
possible by the fall.
just found this great looking software and have installed the SVN
1) How do I do reports?
Right now, these have to be generated as pdf's by writing some
Python code using ReportLab or writing HTML views using Zope Page
Templates. We're working on specific reports for our testing
schools now, and will generate some generic ones and documentation
for setting up custom ones this fall and winter.
2) How do I grade for mid-term, end of trimester
The biggest project for this summer is finishing the business logic
around terms, so this doesn't really work yet in the trunk.
3) How do I specify what is an A, B, etc.
You can't, yet.
Coming soon...