[schooltool] Lovely Maynard Sprint
Stephan Richter
2006-10-18 20:10:40 UTC
Hi everyone,

the guys from Lovely Systems are coming this week to visit me. Lovely Systems
is well known for its involvement in the Plone community and most recently
being a strong contributor to Zope 3 related software. Jodok Batlogg, one of
the founders, is also a board member of the Plone Foundation. The following
Lovely guys will be here: Jodok Batlogg, Manfred Schwendinger, Bernd Dorn,
Harald Friessnegger.

Since we are all hackers, we will be sprinting, of course. The main focus of
the sprint will be the development of a REST API for Zope 3 with tagging
being the specific use case. But we are interested in many other related
topics as well.

I hereby invite anyone in the area to come and join us. If you plan to come,
it would be great, if you could let me know ahead of time, so I can plan for
it a little bit. (I guess there is a practical limit of 12-15 people
total. ;-)

The Data

Friday, 10/20/06 - Tuesday, 10/24/06 (noon)

Claudia & Stephan Richter
4 Bellevue Terrace
Maynard, MA 01754
(h) 978-298-5300
(m) 978-394-5124

I am thinking of having a social event, i.e. BBQing, on Saturday. So if you
only want to come and meet the people, but not sprint that would be a good
time to show up. :-)

Again, please let me know, if you plan to come by!

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training